American Chopper First Episode
American Chopper Jet Bike
American Chopper: the untold truth. By Lela Ordinaev, Jun 23, 2017. American Chopper was one of the first (and the very best) reality TV shows in the world. Starting in 2003, where it was first aired on the Discovery Channel and produced by Pilgrim Studios, it followed the life and work of the Orange County Choppers. 180 rows The Best of American Chopper: Sr. February 28, 2005 3 5 49 Junior's Dream Bike I: March 7, 2005 3 6 50 Junior's Dream Bike II: March 14, 2005 3 7 51 Caterpillar Bike I April 4, 2005 3 8 52 Caterpillar Bike II April 11, 2005 3 9 53 Gillette Bike I April 18, 2005 3 10 54 Gillette Bike II April 25, 2005 Pilots & Specials S-06 55.
Season 5 - Episode 23. OCC takes on the challenge of building two bikes at the same time. First is a custom bike for illusionist Steve Wyrick and the second is for ICEE. Their first trick is to invent an invisible gas tank for Steve's bike. And, the gang go to work for the sweet treat as a means of cooling off. American Chopper Season 12 Episodes (2019) Season 12 (or Season 2 of the return) of American Chopper on the Discovery Channel premiered February 12, 2019 and sadly ended March 26, 2019. Now we wait and hope for another season! 7.) On the Chopping Block (2 Hour Season Finale) First aired Tuesday, March 26, 2019. The American Choppers brand was so well received during its first several seasons that the show was spun off into not one but two video games! One game, created by Activision, was titled American Chopper, and was released on Xbox, Playstation 2, and even had a PC version. Season 12, Episode 3 February 26, 2019 Senior goes back to his roots, designing a throwback brand of affordable motorcycles to sell out of the OCC showroom; and Junior challenges himself building. May 06, 2014 American Chopper Episode 1, Black Widow. 200 videos Play all Episodes American Chopper - Topic. American Chopper Teutul Teussul #3: Youve got an awfully nice house for what I did!
Season 5 - Episode 23
Season 5 - Episode 11
American Chopper Jet Bike
Season 5 - Episode 13
#4 - Dryvit Bike
OCC moves into their new World Headquarters and takes on their first build in the new shop; a penguin-themed chopper for exterior insulation manufacturer, Drvyit Systems.
Season 5 - Episode 24
Season 2 - Episode 6
Season 5 - Episode 2
Season 6 - Episode 24
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Season 6 - Episode 17
Season 2 - Episode 12
Season 5 - Episode 8
Season 5 - Episode 26

Season 6 - Episode 18
#14 - Manitowoc Crane Company Bike
OCC builds an industrial-themed bike for the Manitowoc crane group. Also, Mikey gives a lecture to a group of second graders.
Season 5 - Episode 21
#16 - Michigan Bike/My Name is Earl 2
Mikey reveals the University of Michican bike at Michigan-OSU football game Then the guys are off to Hollywood for a reveal party with the cast of NBC's show 'My Name is Earl'.
Season 5 - Episode 10
#18 - Police Bike 2
It's crunch time for OCC as they rush to complete their tribute to the boys in blue. Tensions in the shop rise to complete this one of a kind bike in time. Episode highlights: Mikey drowns a pick-up truck in a pond, and Rick and Vinnie try out the effectiveness of the Police Bike's sirens.
American Chopper First Episode 2018
Season 3 - Episode 19
Season 5 - Episode 19
Season 6 - Episode 25
American Chopper Episode Guide
Paulie and the boys hit the hardwood for a game of hoops against the guys from OCC Ironworks in what can only be described as a comedy of errors. But back in the shop, it's all business: Big Paul blows up at Vinnie for leaving the shop in disarray and nearly sends him home for the day. However, once Senior gets a look at the Miller Bike's patriotic paint job and the outrageous tow-behind welder, all is forgiven.
American Chopper First Episode 4
Season 2 - Episode 30
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