Free Zip Code Fips

At work, we keep certain location information indexed byzipcode. Recently, I wanted to feed that data into something thatworked with 5-digit FIPS county codes, and was unable to find aneasily-parsed table that mapped, however roughly, from one to theother. The best I could find was the CDC's County CrossReferencefiles, but I realized I needed to do quite a bit of parsing beforethey were really useful to me. I figured it might be of use to someoneelse, so here it is.

FIPS County Code Look-up Tool. The US Census Bureau's online County Look-up Tool provides the unique 3-digit code for the Identification of Counties and Equivalent Entities of the United States, its Possessions, and Insular Areas. USPS ZIP Code Crosswalk files are now available for 2010 Census geographies level beginning with the first quarter of 2012. HUD is not supplying USPS ZIP Code Crosswalks for 2000 Census geographies beyond the fourth quarter of 2011. Is there any freely available data that relates USA zip codes and USA counties (FIPS County codes)? Since counties can contain multiple zip codes, one can have multiple entries, in such a table: FIPScode, countyname, zipcode 36001, Albany County, 1, Albany County, 1, Albany County, 12203. From the developer: 'US Zip Code database with latitude and longitude. Also provides city, county, state, FIPS code, area code, daylight savings, and time zone for over 42,000 current US zip codes.

Rca tv manuals model number. Automation free. The fetch_source script downloads the zip files and makes the one'cleanup' change required, to line 1794315 of zipcty4, whichoriginally was missing GA as the state abbreviation.

Cities by ZIP Code™ For more rapid delivery, please use the recommended or recognized city names whenever possible for this ZIP Code ™. constructs the json dictionary from zip code to countycode from the zipcty files. The output is in zip2fips.json.

Free Zip Code Finder Map

The state_fips.json file was made by hand, where 'by hand' means Icopy-and-pasted thistable andmanipulated it in Emacs.